Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I'm excited to share two surprises in the past 24 hours...
Yesterday, the Bishop wanted to meet with me and he asked me if I was ready to have a calling in the ward and I think I shocked him with my enthusiasm. He asked me to be on the Relief Society Enrichment Committee. I am so thrilled! I have wanted to hold a calling in the church for so long but have never been able to be involved or worthy to hold a calling but now I finally feel like I am. I was worried it was going to be in the nursery and I was not looking forward to that one if it came up because as much as I would love to be in the nursery with Abigail and all the other little ones of the ward, I feel that I need to be learning and renewing my testimony and spirit with the lessons that we have in Sunday School and Relief Society meetings.
My other surprise was that at about 4 'o'clock this afternoon, Hailee's dad called me to ask if I would come to get Hailee tonight because he didn't realize that Hailee's school was out this Thursday and Friday (we thought that it was Monday and Tuesday). I was thrilled and though I have had to rearrage my whole entire schedule for the next 4 days, I'm excited to have Hailee again and have ALL my girls together, lol! We are going to have fun for this Easter weekend.

1 comment:

Sheree said...

Ya!!! That is exciting for you! Atleast your ex called you!

I am also on the Enrichment Comittee in my ward! We can share ideas!!